Spring is here, which means it's almost spring burn season. Don't let your spring debris burn turn into a disaster by following these safety tips.
What do spring burns have to do with my internet service anyway?
Before we dig into the top safety tips for spring burns, you may be wondering how spring burns can affect your Luminate Broadband service. Unfortunately, there have been instances where people's at-home spring burns got out of control, and they either burned down a power pole or destroyed underground utility lines. Not only does this destroy property and disrupt electricity or utility service, but it is also expensive. And the expenses aren't ours to bear; any damage that comes out of a spring burn is the homeowner's responsibility. A replacement power pole alone can cost up to $5,000. In one incident, a man was billed $3 million dollars by the U.S. Forest Service for a wildfire that started from a home barrel fire.
Do we have your attention? Here are a few tips to prevent your spring burn from getting out of control.
Call 811 Before Your Spring Burn
Did you check for underground utilities before lighting your burn? If not, you run the chance of disrupting service or ruining equipment with your fire. Just like with an excavation project, you can call 811 to find out what lies below your ground so you can avoid damaging fiber cables or other utility lines.

Tips for Staying Safe During Your Spring Burn
Check the weather; the National Weather Service recommends avoiding spring burns if there are wind gusts above 20mph or dry conditions, where the air is holding less than 20% humidity.
- As you know, weather conditions can change quickly out here; keep an eye on the weather throughout your burn.
- Get proper permitting — click here for helpful links in Routt County.
- Call your local fire department before you start your burn.
- Call 811 to locate your underground utilities.
- Cut weeds and grass and remove debris near power poles.
- If you have trees encroaching on the power line, give YVEA a call to schedule Vegetation Management.
- Don't leave your burn unattended.
- Have a plan to stop your burn.
- Call 911 right away if you lose control of your burn.
Burning lawn debris at the end of the winter can be a useful tool for lawn maintenance. By following just a few safety precautions, you can avoid disaster and a hefty bill during your spring burn.